Welcome to the Earthbox News, where we share inside travel tips, island news and the coolest activities and adventures for your trip. We hope you enjoy reading these posts from various staff and guest contributors as much as we enjoy writing and sharing them.

A Day at the Museums on the Island
San Juan Island is known for its stunning vistas, amazing wildlife, rich history and bountiful culture. You can experience all of that in a single...

Amazing San Juan Artists: featuring Paula West Pottery
The magnificent beauty of San Juan Island inspires. Many famous and not yet famous artists, musicians, composers, actors, painters, sculptures and writers call the island...

San Juan Distillery - Boutique Spirits with a Local Flair
A mile southwest of Roche Harbor, on the shores of beautiful Westcott Bay, you’ll find apple orchards dating back to 1870, from a time when...

San Juan Island Bucket List - Kayaking with the Orcas
San Juan Island is one of the best places in the world to watch killer whales in the wild. While most people go on whale...