The Spa at Earthbox Confidential - Top 7 Tips to get your Skin ready for Summer

Posted on June 21, 2023

Try these amazing tips from our Spa Director Amy to help you create glowing, healthy skin this Summer:

1)         Brighten and lift your eyes with an eye brow shaping. 

Eyebrows are one of your most important facial features! Shaping them can lift your eyes, narrow or widen your face, and make you look younger, lighter and more relaxed. 


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2)         Renew your Skin with a Full Body Exfoliation

The removal of dead skin speeds up the body’s skin renewal process, helps smooth fine lines and wrinkles and ease discoloration. Remove the dead skin of Winter with a full body exfoliation treatment.  Our glorious skin polishing mixture used in the body treatments at our on-site day spa (The Spa at Earthbox), will moisturize you from head to toe, leaving your skin feeling soft and renewed; your body invigorated.

3)         Drink Green Tea

Green Tea has been shown to help prevent heart disease and cancer. It is used in China to treat headaches and depression. Drinking Green Tea every day is linked to reducing sun damage and slowing the effects of aging on the skin. And it’s delicious!  Try a cup at your next spa service at The Spa at Earthbox!

Spa Day at the Spa at Earthbox on San Juan Island
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4)         Greet summer with a Fresh Glow 

The Spa’s Skin Regimen Facials include exfoliating, which keeps pores from getting clogged and helps your skin breathe. Clogged pores appear larger and can lead to acne and black heads. Our most advance skin care product and service will improve your skin tone, and significantly slow signs of aging.

5)         Take a Bath

Nourish yourself with a Tranquility Epsom/sea salt soak. Tranquility soaks are loaded with magnesium, to keep your bones strong and your blood pressure normal. They improve circulation, relieve achy muscles and have anti-inflammatory properties, giving your step that extra Summer pep.

Bird Rock Hotel, Friday Harbor, WA
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6)         Show off your Arms and Legs

Get a leg & underarm sugaring. Sugar doesn’t stick to live skin cells. It removes unwanted hair and dead skin only. Sugar is a natural antibacterial and more sanitary than waxing. Sugar stays pliable and gently removes the hair shaft without breaking. Get that short, strapless dress and finally toss that razor!

7)      Take a long Walk on the Beach

Increasing blood flow and oxygen helps nourish your skin cells, carry away toxins and ease stress. Let the wind blow in your hair while you watch the bald eagles soar on one of San Juan Island’s dramatic beaches.

San Juan Island, Washington